Campaign 2023

Campaign 2022

2023 Honorary Campaign Chairs

We are honored to be working with Chief Geoffrey and Julie Standing Bear as the 2022 Arts Alliance Tulsa  Honorary Campaign Chairs. It is inspiring to hear how they view the importance of arts and culture and the role it plays in a healthy community and for the benefit of our children. The arts in Tulsa thank them for their time and passion.

Chief Geoffrey and Julie Standing Bear

Chief Geoffrey and Julie Standing Bear

Osage Nation


During my time as Principal Chief of the Osage Nation, one of my primary goals has been to move our tribe forward while preserving the noble heritage of our language and customs. It’s long been my sincere desire to expand cultural and artistic experiences for the Osage people, especially our children.

Through our commitment to cultural conservation, my wife, Julie, and I know that ART is a POWERFUL KEY in keeping communities healthy and cultures thriving from one generation to the next. 

Our decision to lead the 2022 STEP UP Campaign for Arts Alliance Tulsa puts our promise into action. At our core is the belief that the ARTS are essential to our children’s education, our community’s well-being, and our city’s future growth. 

Shattered by two years of pandemic closures and cancellations – there’s plenty of work to be done. It will take a community-wide effort to return Tulsa’s ARTS to health and stability. Arts Alliance provides the most efficient and cost-effective way to support ALL forms of art and culture with just ONE GIFT.
Your SINGLE gift to Arts Alliance Tulsa stays local and benefits 39 nonprofit arts organizations, large and small. 

REBUILDING THE ARTS IS NOT ONLY THE RIGHT THING TO DO BUT ALSO OUR OBLIGATION TO FUTURE GENERATIONS. So just as I am committed to preserving the Osage language and culture, Julie and I are committing ourselves just as firmly to this mission. 
We hope you will join us TODAY and support the work of Arts Alliance Tulsa to build a more robust, equitable, and creative community.



Chief Geoffrey and Julie Standing Bear 

Osage Nation
2022 Honorary Campaign Chairs 


P.S. When you invest in the universal language of ART, you unlock the spirit that unifies people from all walks of life to create a better world.  Please make your tax-deductible gift TODAY.